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3 months ago

Tattoo Artist Employment; 4 tips to get you some work

It's not always easy finding a good spot to work as a tattoo artist. These 4 tips for tattoo artist employment will help you find the right studio for you!
Tattoo artist employment 4 tips to find the perfect studio

Your Guide to Landing Tattoo Artist Employment

Are you passionate about the art of tattooing and looking to turn your passion into a fulfilling career?Landing employment as a tattoo artist requires more than just talent with a needle; it demands a well-crafted portfolio, professionalism in customer service, and diligent research to find the right studio for you. In this guide, we'll explore the steps to secure a tattoo artist position and ensure a successful application process.

tattoo artist employment

Crafting Your Portfolio:

A solid portfolio is your ticket to catching the eye of potential employers in the tattoo industry. It should showcase your diverse skill set, creativity, and versatility as an artist. Here's what your portfolio should include:

  1. Healed Tattoos: Demonstrate your expertise by including high-quality images of healed tattoos you've done. This showcases your ability to create designs that stand the test of time.
  2. Fresh Tattoos: Include recent works to showcase your current style and technique. Make sure the images are clear and capture the intricacies of your designs.
  3. Drawings and Designs: Don't forget to showcase your artistic range with sketches, drawings, and designs. This gives employers insight into your creative process and vision. Make sure to have some physical drawings and designs also. 

Professionalism in Customer Service:

In addition to artistic talent, tattoo artists must excel in customer service to build a loyal clientele. Here's how you can demonstrate your professionalism:

  1. Interacting with Clients: Highlight your ability to communicate effectively with clients, understanding their needs, and providing guidance throughout the tattooing process.
  2. Maintaining Professionalism: Showcase your commitment to maintaining a clean and safe working environment. Emphasise your knowledge of tattoo hygiene and safety protocols.

tattoo artist employment tips

Finding the Right Studio:

Before applying to tattoo studios, it's crucial to do your due diligence and find a shop that aligns with your values and artistic style. Here's how you can research potential tattoo employers:

  1. Online Platforms: Utilize online platforms likeTattooGigs.comto discover tattoo shops looking for artists. Create a free account and browse through listings to find opportunities that match your preferences.
  2. Research Each Shop: Dive deep into each shop's background, portfolio, and client reviews. Learn about their artistic aesthetic, values, and operating style to gauge if it's a good fit for you. It's almost a certainty that tattoo shops have anInstagram accountnowadays 
  3. Show Genuine Interest: During the application process, demonstrate your genuine interest in the studio by referencing specific aspects of their work or philosophy. This shows that you've done your homework and are invested in joining their team.

tattoo artist employment portfolio

Nailing the Interview:

Once you've found a potential studio, it's time to nail the interview. Here are some tips for a successful interview:

  1. Be Prepared: Bring your portfolio (physical and digital), references, and any certifications or licenses you may have. Prepare to discuss your artistic influences, experience, and future goals.
  2. Showcase Your Personality: Let your passion for tattooing shine through during the interview. Be friendly, enthusiastic, and eager to learn from experienced artists. But always make sure it's the right match and don't sell yourself short!
  3. Ask Questions: Don't be afraid to ask questions about the studio's culture, expectations, and growth opportunities. This demonstrates your proactive approach and genuine interest in the position.

In conclusion,landing employment as a tattoo artist requires more than just artistic talent;it demands professionalism, research, and preparation. By crafting a stellar portfolio, excelling in customer service, and conducting thorough research, you can increase your chances of finding the perfect studio for your career aspirations. So, roll up your sleeves, showcase your skills, and embark on the exciting journey of tattoo artist employment!

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